Dedicated Servers
Our commitment to excellence starts with the hardware that we provide. Our buying power allows us to invest in superior hardware from top vendors, which in turn means a reliable solution at an affordable cost. Our dedicated servers are based on Supermicro rackmountable barebones, and are powered by the most power-efficient processors at any given time.
Below is our current list of available Dedicated Servers. If you cannot find a server that suites your needs, feel free to submit a ticket to our sales department and one of our representatives will be happy to help you find both a server that fits your needs and is within your budget.
Chicago Datacenter
Bargain Bin Servers
Processors | Hard Drive | Memory/RAM | Bandwidth | Uplink | IP Addresses | Pricing | Order |
Xeon E5520 Quad-Core Nehalem 2.26GHz 8MB L3 Cache | 1 TB | 12 GB DDR2 | 6 TB | 100 MBPS | 5 IP Addresses | $210/mo | |
Xeon E3110 3.0GHZ w/ 6MB L2 Cache | 500 GB | 4 GB DDR2 | 6 TB | 100 MBPS | 5 IP Addresses | $135/mo | |
Xeon X3430 Lynnfield 2.4GHZ w/ 8MB L2 Cache | 500 GB | 8 GB DDR2 | 10 TB | 100 MBPS | 5 IP Addresses | $169/mo |